Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
do unto others...
okay, ignore me. that's cool. but if that's how it was going to be, you should have told me in advance. that way, i wouldn't have bothered wasting my thoughts on you. oh but don't worry about me, i'm fine. because i'm never going down that road again.
lesson learned: don't give more than you know you're going to get, where your thoughts are concerned.
lesson learned: don't give more than you know you're going to get, where your thoughts are concerned.
Friday, May 27, 2011
it's the end of discussions that just go round and round...
and round and round and round...
i want to move out
I want to move out.
I.Want.To move OUT.
i want to move out i want to move out i wantomove out...
from hereon in, that shall be my goal. along with a few others...
i want to move out
I want to move out.
I.Want.To move OUT.
i want to move out i want to move out i wantomove out...
from hereon in, that shall be my goal. along with a few others...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
lightbulb moment...
so today i was contemplating the great mysteries of life, as i often do... (*cough*) and i stumbled upon an epiphany of sorts. people often complain that we generation Y-ers have a habit of over-sharing. the need to share every detail of our lives with the world, and then some. and while this occurs mostly via facebook, twitter, tumblr, blogspot, SMS, et cetera, it occurred to me that probably the reason we are like this is because we have been brought up that way. at least partially so, we are in fact a product of our environments.
most people out there would have partaken in 'show and tell' at school, where we were encouraged to bring in items from our personal lives (well, as personal as a personal life can be when you're five) and talk to the class about why the item was important in our lives, etc etc. and answer questions that people may have asked about said item. then there was the song by playschool, 'how do you feel today' which encouraged young children to express their emotions.
and of course, diaries. i don't know if other schools did this, but my primary school, from prep right through to grade four, involved diary-writing between parents and students. so, once a week or whatever it was, we had to write to an assigned parent (not our own) about what we'd been up to as of late, and they were to write back. we were, in effect, encouraged to share details of our daily lives with near strangers.
oh, and who could forget the family dinners (which probably still take place for some) during which our parents would ask us, 'so tell us about your day?', or, 'what was the highlight of your day?'
and so, there you have it. the many ways in which our generation has been raised to be over-sharers. now i have to go update my facebook status. byebye.
most people out there would have partaken in 'show and tell' at school, where we were encouraged to bring in items from our personal lives (well, as personal as a personal life can be when you're five) and talk to the class about why the item was important in our lives, etc etc. and answer questions that people may have asked about said item. then there was the song by playschool, 'how do you feel today' which encouraged young children to express their emotions.
and of course, diaries. i don't know if other schools did this, but my primary school, from prep right through to grade four, involved diary-writing between parents and students. so, once a week or whatever it was, we had to write to an assigned parent (not our own) about what we'd been up to as of late, and they were to write back. we were, in effect, encouraged to share details of our daily lives with near strangers.
oh, and who could forget the family dinners (which probably still take place for some) during which our parents would ask us, 'so tell us about your day?', or, 'what was the highlight of your day?'
and so, there you have it. the many ways in which our generation has been raised to be over-sharers. now i have to go update my facebook status. byebye.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
when failing feels like an option
i need. to focus. FOCUS.
but i can't. why? it would be completely out of order to blame any single person other than myself. this is true, and i know it.
i was doing fine. i was motivated, i was loving life, i was content. and then you happened. and now my world is spinning out of control again, my mind blurs and my thoughts are you, you, you, a thousand times over, processed and analysed and imagined and replayed and real. i want you i want you i want you. why is it in my nature to be so dependant on another? i hate this. i consider myself to be an individual, an independant, i am a cat and i walk. by. myself. i'm supposed to be strong, someone who can define herself without needing the reaffirmations of others. so why does that all come crashing down with a single, beautiful, starry night? and then a couple more to follow. why does everything have to be so wonderful with you, and when you're gone, it's near torture. perhaps i'm a little dramatic, but really. this. is. ridiculous.
where can i find some peace of mind? a piece of my mind? you stole it. just don't steal my heart, too.
but i can't. why? it would be completely out of order to blame any single person other than myself. this is true, and i know it.
i was doing fine. i was motivated, i was loving life, i was content. and then you happened. and now my world is spinning out of control again, my mind blurs and my thoughts are you, you, you, a thousand times over, processed and analysed and imagined and replayed and real. i want you i want you i want you. why is it in my nature to be so dependant on another? i hate this. i consider myself to be an individual, an independant, i am a cat and i walk. by. myself. i'm supposed to be strong, someone who can define herself without needing the reaffirmations of others. so why does that all come crashing down with a single, beautiful, starry night? and then a couple more to follow. why does everything have to be so wonderful with you, and when you're gone, it's near torture. perhaps i'm a little dramatic, but really. this. is. ridiculous.
where can i find some peace of mind? a piece of my mind? you stole it. just don't steal my heart, too.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011

damn, it's too small to make a point. what i was getting at was, my facebook newsfeed told me that 3 of my friends shared a link. it was the youtube lady gaga 'judas' video. one posted it as 'the epitome of art and design; inspiration.' a second said to her friend, 'watch the dance moves...we're learning this...' and a third posted it as part of the 30 day song challenge as his least favorite song. ahh, diversity.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
wise words.

ok, so you can't read it. but it says: "i mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but i will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. - Martin Luther King Jr. "
Martin Luther King Jr.,
wise words
someone made this video for a school project. the talent of some people amazes me. thought i'd share.
it's a work in progress, so don't be too harsh...but feedback appreciated. i'm only just now maybe making a return to writing such as this...
so he locked his windows and locked me out of his life
and i drank myself a river of tequila and (sweet?) wine
i float in shadows/puddles when it's raining but when the sun doth shine
i walk barefoot through the morning just to listen to him cry
oh why? why does he cry?
he got everything he wanted,
he wanted our goodbye
so why? why why?
why does he cry?
forty days and endless nights the hurricanes blew swiftly out of sight
and i huddled in my basement all alone but for a mouse to share my fright
the wind blew memories through the trees and i found string from our lost kite
do you remember when you made it and told me that we could fly?
darling why, is it that i cannot cry?
for the dreams we threw away,
the dreams that are no longer mine
so why? why why?
why don't i cry?
do you recall the quiet riverbanks, side by side we used to lie, we whispered and we heard the willows sigh
and i asked you if you'd always love me and you said that if you ever didn't you would always try...
but now all you do is cry.
there you have it. unfinished, choppy and unsure in places, but it's there.
so he locked his windows and locked me out of his life
and i drank myself a river of tequila and (sweet?) wine
i float in shadows/puddles when it's raining but when the sun doth shine
i walk barefoot through the morning just to listen to him cry
oh why? why does he cry?
he got everything he wanted,
he wanted our goodbye
so why? why why?
why does he cry?
forty days and endless nights the hurricanes blew swiftly out of sight
and i huddled in my basement all alone but for a mouse to share my fright
the wind blew memories through the trees and i found string from our lost kite
do you remember when you made it and told me that we could fly?
darling why, is it that i cannot cry?
for the dreams we threw away,
the dreams that are no longer mine
so why? why why?
why don't i cry?
do you recall the quiet riverbanks, side by side we used to lie, we whispered and we heard the willows sigh
and i asked you if you'd always love me and you said that if you ever didn't you would always try...
but now all you do is cry.
there you have it. unfinished, choppy and unsure in places, but it's there.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
in keds and tube socks
i just love this song. but on a sidenote, who else thinks that noel looks like a serial killer? especially when she asks him to go to iron maiden with her
still i wonder...
i hate to be a whiner. but i am just so sick of judgemental people.
people who think it's fun and amusing to ridicule others for their life choices, opinions, beliefs, etc. last night i was berated about my choice of diet (vegetarian), and my faith and religious practices (christian, go to church). the comments made in regards to my vegetarianism were the most vulgar, not to mention immature and offensive, that i have heard in relation to being a vegetarian, and i do get quite a few comments now and then. i won't repeat what they were and the people saying them probably only meant them in fun but they actually made me quite upset, more so because of the ignorance behind them than anything else. but also because i was just so frustrated by the situation - that people who i really thought were my friends, who claim to be my friends, would say such insensitive, stupid things to me about my lifestyle, just because they could. do they not realise how offensive they were being? how judgemental and ignorant they made themselves sound? did they ever stop to consider how they would feel if i made similarly horrible comments about some of their lifestyle choices?
i think the answer to all of the above is probably no. either that, or they didn't care, which is rather sad if you ask me.
i believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, beliefs, et cetera. however. if this is a free world in which we are all entitled to live our lives the way we want to, believe what we choose to believe and all the rest, then does there not need to be a level of respect for the differences of others? and furthermore, if one does choose to dispute or question another's choices, is it not reasonable to ask that they at least back up their questions and/or disuputes with valid, justifiable reasons as to why? i mean, instead of just shutting people down because you don't agree with them. i would have thought, as university students and young adults with a decent level of intelligence, we would be able to maturely discuss things now, rather than pointlessly ridicule, reject and alienate those we call our friends.
well, i guess if that's the way some people choose to live their lives, i should accept that. however what i won't do is apologise for who i am, and i suppose the solution to this predicament is to make MY own choice to not spend time with those who can't accept who i choose to be. i think considering that i accept and respect the choices and beliefs of others, with the exception of when they decide to treat me with disrespect for no apparent reason, that this is not an unreasonable conclusion to reach.
if anyone wishes to dispute me, feel free. after all, it's your choice. no apologies.
people who think it's fun and amusing to ridicule others for their life choices, opinions, beliefs, etc. last night i was berated about my choice of diet (vegetarian), and my faith and religious practices (christian, go to church). the comments made in regards to my vegetarianism were the most vulgar, not to mention immature and offensive, that i have heard in relation to being a vegetarian, and i do get quite a few comments now and then. i won't repeat what they were and the people saying them probably only meant them in fun but they actually made me quite upset, more so because of the ignorance behind them than anything else. but also because i was just so frustrated by the situation - that people who i really thought were my friends, who claim to be my friends, would say such insensitive, stupid things to me about my lifestyle, just because they could. do they not realise how offensive they were being? how judgemental and ignorant they made themselves sound? did they ever stop to consider how they would feel if i made similarly horrible comments about some of their lifestyle choices?
i think the answer to all of the above is probably no. either that, or they didn't care, which is rather sad if you ask me.
i believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, beliefs, et cetera. however. if this is a free world in which we are all entitled to live our lives the way we want to, believe what we choose to believe and all the rest, then does there not need to be a level of respect for the differences of others? and furthermore, if one does choose to dispute or question another's choices, is it not reasonable to ask that they at least back up their questions and/or disuputes with valid, justifiable reasons as to why? i mean, instead of just shutting people down because you don't agree with them. i would have thought, as university students and young adults with a decent level of intelligence, we would be able to maturely discuss things now, rather than pointlessly ridicule, reject and alienate those we call our friends.
well, i guess if that's the way some people choose to live their lives, i should accept that. however what i won't do is apologise for who i am, and i suppose the solution to this predicament is to make MY own choice to not spend time with those who can't accept who i choose to be. i think considering that i accept and respect the choices and beliefs of others, with the exception of when they decide to treat me with disrespect for no apparent reason, that this is not an unreasonable conclusion to reach.
if anyone wishes to dispute me, feel free. after all, it's your choice. no apologies.
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