Thursday, May 31, 2012

Vitamin C

so i haven't written anything of substance on this blog in a while, and before i go on, i'd like to disclaim (can that be a verb? it is now) that just because the beginning of this sentence insinuates that this post will be 'of substance', does not mean it will. so there. i just crushed your hopes. sorry.

however this is not to say that my past few posts have been devoid of substance. they are in fact overflowing with substance. they are SUBSTANTIAL. yeah. 
but, sadly, they were created by others more substantial-like than myself. i just wanted to give kudos. and hopefully share a few giggles. because laughter is the best medicine, and tis the season for coughing and sneezing fa la la *ATCHYOO* cough cough la la... 

did i mention i have a cold? well i do. it's horrible. it means i can't breathe through my nose when i sleep so i'm constantly thirsty, so i have to drink too much water and then... yeah. we all know what it's like. it's the COMMON cold. auhggngghh

so over the last couple of days i have been procrastinating from doing my essay for a subject that i really hate because it was full of feminist tripe with no counteractive male perspective whatsoever. instead of doing this essay i have been watching witty, pretty, british (that almost rhymed) guys on youtube by the names of charlie and alex. i have been choking with laughter and starting to think in a british accent. which is fun. i've also been enjoying the lovely presents my mother bought me, because she's a wonderful person who buys me nice presents for no reason other than, she's great. these presents are a purple mink blanket which is really warm, and a purple dressing down which is also really warm.

it's funny, because purple isn't even my favorite colour, but people seem to think it is because i have a lot of stuff that's purple and i often use purple font when i do blogs and such like. but really, it's just because purple is a pleasant colour and my actual favorite colour yellow is had to wear a lot of or write in because people don't seem to like reading yellow font...
so yeah. there's that explained. i did mention at the start that this post may not be very substance-filled. i did warn you.

here's some bad things that have happened to me recently:
i have to write a horrible long essay about a subject i hate.
i then have to study for exams for subjects i also hate. 
it's winter. it's cold. 
yesterday my stupid drink bottle leaked in my bag and soaked through all my stuff including one of my favorite murder mysteries by Tess Gerritsen :(
i have a cold.

some nice things in my life however are:
i have a new blanket and dressing down to keep me cozy and warm
i have discovered charlie mcdonnell and alex day
i finally saw the hunger games, which is excellent
semester horrible is over
i've got some exciting social events coming up
i saw boy & bear in concert, and they were fantastic. Tim Hart is wonderful.
as a result of seeing boy & bear, i also got to discover two other bands that i now love. Tin Sparrow and The Jungle Giants.

so there we have it. i wrote something, for a change. however it probably made for some not very good reading. sorry. again i did warn you. 


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