Tuesday, August 24, 2010

dark chocolate.

just wallowing in self-pity, boredom and the occasional dull ache...looking at the beautiful wonderful lives of others and trying to remember how happy i was just two days ago...
anyway in a total contradiction to my current state of mind, body and soul, i've decided to create a list, because i'm weird like that.
ok here it is:

1. that feeling of enlightenment when you work out where you've seen someone before (applies to movies and real life)
2. that song that describes exactly how you're feeling. i realise this is a bit of a cliche these days, but no apologies. i'm throwing it out there.
3. family gatherings with 90+ people, and that one person you hardly see but you just get along with like a house on fire. (why is 'like a house on fire' a positive simile? i don't understand.)
4. making all your decisions and plans in the shower.
5. that fantastic feeling of waking up from a great sleep.
6. being given a flower by a small child.
7. zumba. enough said.
8. this is going to sound kind of shallow, but oh well. when you go out, and you know you're just looking damn GOOD.
9. going through photos from the night before, and remembering how much fun you had.
10. going through old photos and reminiscing about 'back in the day'
11. that feeling you get when you realise how much you just love your friends.
12. a great instrumental in a song.
13. the way frost on grass on a winter's day catches the light and looks enchanting and uncorrupted.
14. getting lost in an amazing book.
15. riding the elevator in a really tall building.
16. the satisfaction of cooking a great meal, and eating it.
17. the way someone lights up when you make their day.
18. when someone makes your day with a simple action.

"We are Sex Bob-Omb and we are here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff. "

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