"changes, changes, everywhere. but if you sit and stare you stay the same....so sit and stare.....you stay the same....so sit and stareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......CHANGE!!"
ahh, childhood. this song was one that stuck with me from the days of play school, when the show was actually good and they had all the original cast like monica and noni. not that annoying justine woman who sings crappy kid's songs. anyway, the reason it floated into the recesses of my mind, was because there have been and will continue to be a lot of changes in my life at the moment. i've finished school for EVER, and am about to start uni, people keep telling me i can do whatever i want. i've had my nose pierced and my hair cut, and i'm open to trying new things. i guess, to use a cliche, the world is my oyster.
or perhaps not. we'll see.
it's kind of exciting, and slightly more than a little scary, how wide open everything is for me at present. no one really tells me what to do anymore, or what decisions to make. it's all me. i frequently am asked 'what do you want?' the funny thing is, when i was younger i used to long for the time when i could do whatever i want, free to make my own choices. but now that time is here, and i don't know if i like it all that much. sometimes i'd much rather people tell me what to do, and make my decisions for me. life would be a little easier if it worked that way. but it doesn't, and i suppose we all have to grow up sooner or later. *sigh* maybe i'll fly away to neverland and never grow up, like peter pan.
the second star to the right and straight on til morning...
Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
i fall in love with personalities, and with conversations. no, that's not quite right. i think i fall in love with words. i am forever reading the words of others, because the thought, or lack thereof, behind the words that people take the time to put down on paper to to type, is truly beautiful. perhaps that's why i fall in love so often.
because i love words

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I just came to say hello
first of all, a shout-out to BizzareBonfa for mentioning my blog on his blog - which is fiercely controversial and sparks fiery debate, so if you like that, i recommend you check out his blog - forkinmigoreng.blogspot.com
secondly, the song that titles this post is absolutely revolting and annoying, and further proves a previously made point of mine (see 'Barbra Streisand') that songwriting is dead. or at least, near extinction. which is quite sad, i think.
thirdly, spontaneity is a beautiful thing.
here's a list, which is what i happen to spontaneously be in the mood for at present...
going all out in dressing for an occasion, such as sporting australian flag fake tats in public on aussie day.
voguing. anytime, anywhere, to any song, or better yet, to no music at all.
dancing in the rain.
spur-of-the-moment picnics, day trips, or adventures in the lesser-explored areas of your suburb.
blowing bubbles on the train.
compliments to strangers.
unplanned slumber parties.
giving gifts for no apparent reason.
singing along to your ipod in public.
ditto bursting out laughing at an amusing section in your book/magazine and getting weird looks.
finding a family of kittens living underneath a building.
ditching school, just once, 'ferris bueller's day off' style.
flash mobs.
making friends in a bathroom, or on a bus.
the list goes on. try one of these things out sometime, completely spontaneously, or anything for that matter. sometimes the best moments in life are unplanned.
disclaimer: if you plan to be spontaneous, it kind of defeats the purpose. the message i was aiming to get across is to embrace spontaneity. that is all.
secondly, the song that titles this post is absolutely revolting and annoying, and further proves a previously made point of mine (see 'Barbra Streisand') that songwriting is dead. or at least, near extinction. which is quite sad, i think.
thirdly, spontaneity is a beautiful thing.
here's a list, which is what i happen to spontaneously be in the mood for at present...
going all out in dressing for an occasion, such as sporting australian flag fake tats in public on aussie day.
voguing. anytime, anywhere, to any song, or better yet, to no music at all.
dancing in the rain.
spur-of-the-moment picnics, day trips, or adventures in the lesser-explored areas of your suburb.
blowing bubbles on the train.
compliments to strangers.
unplanned slumber parties.
giving gifts for no apparent reason.
singing along to your ipod in public.
ditto bursting out laughing at an amusing section in your book/magazine and getting weird looks.
finding a family of kittens living underneath a building.
ditching school, just once, 'ferris bueller's day off' style.
flash mobs.
making friends in a bathroom, or on a bus.
the list goes on. try one of these things out sometime, completely spontaneously, or anything for that matter. sometimes the best moments in life are unplanned.
disclaimer: if you plan to be spontaneous, it kind of defeats the purpose. the message i was aiming to get across is to embrace spontaneity. that is all.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
"whatever happened to chivalry? does it only exist in 80's movies? i want john cusack holding a boombox outside my window. i want to ride off on a lawnmower with patrick dempsey. i want jake from sixteen candles waiting outside the church for me. i want judd nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. just once, i want my life to be like an 80's movie. preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. but no, no, john hughes did not direct my life."
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I like it when you talk, talk.
Anecdote time.
I'm not entirely sure and i could be completely crazy but i think i may have met an angel. or something. Riding the train home from the single most disappointing and confusing event in my educational career, feeling thoroughly miserable, this woman dressed all in white with a few random hairs on her chin sits down next to me and tells me i have 'beautiful hair'. she then proceeds to engage me in conversation about my hair, is it hard to manage, etc, and soon we move onto discussing university and TAFE, and the pro's and cons of both, decisions about the future, personality tests, and finally we arrive on the subject of her faith. she alludes briefly to her faith journey and asks me if i go to church. i wonder vaguely if she is an evangelist launching random 'attacks' on people and if she has been building up to this part of the conversation the whole time she's been sitting next to me. we arrive at the next station which is apparently her stop, so she tells me to take care and that it was nice to meet me. i return the pleasantries and am left feeling somewhat calmer and less likely to burst into tears of frustration. also strangely, i am left with the desire to go to church for the first time in what...
i can't even remember, that's how long it's been since i've gone to church. probably Christmas eve. maybe this woman was sent by God to calm me and nudge me in the right direction, to getting my life back on track or whatever. maybe this was a freaky coincidence. maybe she was drunk or unstable. but somehow i don't think the latter 'maybe' is true. perhaps she really was a guardian angel of sorts. i don't think i'll ever learn exactly why this woman chose to speak to me, of all people sitting alone on the train, or who she was or where she was from.
just something i think is worth blogging about...
"love thy neighbour..."
I'm not entirely sure and i could be completely crazy but i think i may have met an angel. or something. Riding the train home from the single most disappointing and confusing event in my educational career, feeling thoroughly miserable, this woman dressed all in white with a few random hairs on her chin sits down next to me and tells me i have 'beautiful hair'. she then proceeds to engage me in conversation about my hair, is it hard to manage, etc, and soon we move onto discussing university and TAFE, and the pro's and cons of both, decisions about the future, personality tests, and finally we arrive on the subject of her faith. she alludes briefly to her faith journey and asks me if i go to church. i wonder vaguely if she is an evangelist launching random 'attacks' on people and if she has been building up to this part of the conversation the whole time she's been sitting next to me. we arrive at the next station which is apparently her stop, so she tells me to take care and that it was nice to meet me. i return the pleasantries and am left feeling somewhat calmer and less likely to burst into tears of frustration. also strangely, i am left with the desire to go to church for the first time in what...
i can't even remember, that's how long it's been since i've gone to church. probably Christmas eve. maybe this woman was sent by God to calm me and nudge me in the right direction, to getting my life back on track or whatever. maybe this was a freaky coincidence. maybe she was drunk or unstable. but somehow i don't think the latter 'maybe' is true. perhaps she really was a guardian angel of sorts. i don't think i'll ever learn exactly why this woman chose to speak to me, of all people sitting alone on the train, or who she was or where she was from.
just something i think is worth blogging about...
"love thy neighbour..."
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
a little less conversation, a little more action, please.
i am so sick of nobody ever being able to give me a simple yes/no answer. there must always be considerations, arguments, the same tired lines repeated a thousand times over. why do we always have to talk about everything, hash out every tiny detail before a decision is made? if we were all more impulsive in our decision-making, the world would be an easier place to live in. yes, it's important to weigh up options and take into consideration any and all implications of our actions, but to what end? it seems that many of us have gotten to the point where all we do is talk but we never make decisions, we never take actions, we never just DO. and so we fall into the trap of doing nothing, which always sucks, because it makes us feel useless which in turn makes us depressed, and we're also bored and lonely and so we get frustrated and frustration leads to anger and anger eventually leads to world wars and nobody likes it when that happens.
to be continued...
to be continued...
Monday, January 17, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
barbra streisand
afternoon all,
there hath been several thoughts silently screaming in my overprocessing psyche for quite a while, and i believe that the time is now ripe for said thoughts to be voiced. or rather, typed. it has come to my attention (and i'm sure i am not the only one), that in the world of mainstream music, songwriting is dead. or rather, writing of songs that are comprised of more than a few sentences of lyrics that get repeated over and over again amidst some repetetive beats and a simple tune. whilst such songs are catchy and enjoyable to dance to, and can make social gatherings such as parties and clubbing/pubbing rather fun, i wonder if this slightly troubling trend in the music world is cause for concern. because mainstream music never used to be like this, for example in the 90's and early 'noughties'. example one, a song that inexplainably is one of my favorites and will always be so,
'Break My Stride' by Unique II. though i am sure you are all familiar with this amazingly catchy song, i will recite a few lyrics:
"last night i had the strangest dream. i sailed away to china, in a little rowboat to find ya, and you said you had to get your laundry cleaned. didn't want no one to hold you, what does that mean? and you said..."
we all know the rest. *breaks out into chorus, dancing like a total dork* now this is just my opinion, but is it not a truly wonderful song? it tells a story, it has some great original lyrics AND a catchy tune. compare that, to what the cool kids are listening to these days, exhibit B, 'Barbra Streisand'
"Barbra Streisand woooooooooo woooooooo wooooooo etc" and repeat... about 89367326476243 times. well maybe that's a tad exaggeration. but you get the gist.
anyway, i would love to flesh out this argument more, but right now my silently screaming overprocessed thoughts have been satisfied, and i have to bake cookies and clean the house, like a true housewife in the making.
i love the nineties, and german boy bands
ciao for now.
oh ps, have a think about that haha i'd love to hear thoughts in response
there hath been several thoughts silently screaming in my overprocessing psyche for quite a while, and i believe that the time is now ripe for said thoughts to be voiced. or rather, typed. it has come to my attention (and i'm sure i am not the only one), that in the world of mainstream music, songwriting is dead. or rather, writing of songs that are comprised of more than a few sentences of lyrics that get repeated over and over again amidst some repetetive beats and a simple tune. whilst such songs are catchy and enjoyable to dance to, and can make social gatherings such as parties and clubbing/pubbing rather fun, i wonder if this slightly troubling trend in the music world is cause for concern. because mainstream music never used to be like this, for example in the 90's and early 'noughties'. example one, a song that inexplainably is one of my favorites and will always be so,
'Break My Stride' by Unique II. though i am sure you are all familiar with this amazingly catchy song, i will recite a few lyrics:
"last night i had the strangest dream. i sailed away to china, in a little rowboat to find ya, and you said you had to get your laundry cleaned. didn't want no one to hold you, what does that mean? and you said..."
we all know the rest. *breaks out into chorus, dancing like a total dork* now this is just my opinion, but is it not a truly wonderful song? it tells a story, it has some great original lyrics AND a catchy tune. compare that, to what the cool kids are listening to these days, exhibit B, 'Barbra Streisand'
"Barbra Streisand woooooooooo woooooooo wooooooo etc" and repeat... about 89367326476243 times. well maybe that's a tad exaggeration. but you get the gist.
anyway, i would love to flesh out this argument more, but right now my silently screaming overprocessed thoughts have been satisfied, and i have to bake cookies and clean the house, like a true housewife in the making.
i love the nineties, and german boy bands
ciao for now.
oh ps, have a think about that haha i'd love to hear thoughts in response
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
i got skillz XD
these babies tasted even better than they look.
so i guess, if all else fails,
i'd make a pretty bangin' housewife.
hmmm, i wonder if you could put 'excellent sandwich-making skills'
on a resume, in order to improve the chances of being hired
by a male...
something to ponder.
"i whip my hair back and forth i whip my hair back and forth"
a declaration of sorts.
I, Meg,
known to those in the bloggesphere as silent screamer,
hereby declare on this day of the 11th of January, 2011, that i will inform Jake Pattison by the way of text message, the very moment that i engage in any kind of same-sex intimate activity, should said event occur.
this is a gentlemen's agreement, and therefore must not be broken.
bearing witness to this declaration is aforementioned gentleman, Jake Pattison, in addition to those who faithfully follow this blog.
known to those in the bloggesphere as silent screamer,
hereby declare on this day of the 11th of January, 2011, that i will inform Jake Pattison by the way of text message, the very moment that i engage in any kind of same-sex intimate activity, should said event occur.
this is a gentlemen's agreement, and therefore must not be broken.
bearing witness to this declaration is aforementioned gentleman, Jake Pattison, in addition to those who faithfully follow this blog.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
mail me a smile
Sunday, January 2, 2011
quite frankly, a proud moment in my life.

i have not yet decided upon a new year's resolution, however i have made it one of my goals to learn to play chess. as i have not yet found a willing mentor, i have been playing the occasional game of computer chess, and have not won a single game. that is, until now. on this morning of the 3rd of January, 2011, i have won my very first game of chess against my very intelligent computer. and i screenprinted the end result as evidence. (I'm white)
been a while.
first, i have to say that i am deeply sorry for having neglected my poor blog for so long...no christmas or new years posts at all. i feel truly terrible. i was going to post on christmas day, but i couldn't think of non cliche stuff to write so i just opted out. (i have always wanted to say that!) anyway, happy christmas and merry new year, i hope everything was cheer-filled and bubbly. now, down to business.
first, a thought;
"you can't want what you can't have and expect to get it." just etch that into your brain, or at least turn it over a few times. much appreciated.
secondly, a first for this blog i do believe. i am putting up for discussion (yes that requires people to comment and debate), a musing of mine. one that has been overprocessed within my thoughts for quite some time. said musing is as follows:
since around the end of the school term, nearish examination times, i have been experiencing a recurring dream of sorts, which varies in detail and pops up randomly, but is definitely identical in content every time.
i'll break it down to basics: (in colour because it's a dream)
setting: classroom, at my school or an adaptation of it.
characters: usually, myself and my literature teacher are the protagonists, also a smattering of classmates and on occasion, another teacher.
action: have just handed in an essay/completed a practise essay/had an essay handed back/consulting with teacher privately. teacher wears bone-chillingly grave expression, sometimes with a tinge of disgust, as he proceeds to reprimand me for being a terrible student, talentless, lazy, useless, will amount to nothing, et cetera. i have some kind of negative reaction ranging from tears to tantrums, bad emotions, end scene.
this is usually followed by me waking up, which is always a relief. as these dreams have continued long after i have finished high school, vce examinations and any related activity to this teacher, what i am throwing out into the cyber field of intelligentsia to discuss is this:
why am i having these dreams?
i'd really like to hear thoughts in response.
until then,
first, a thought;
"you can't want what you can't have and expect to get it." just etch that into your brain, or at least turn it over a few times. much appreciated.
secondly, a first for this blog i do believe. i am putting up for discussion (yes that requires people to comment and debate), a musing of mine. one that has been overprocessed within my thoughts for quite some time. said musing is as follows:
since around the end of the school term, nearish examination times, i have been experiencing a recurring dream of sorts, which varies in detail and pops up randomly, but is definitely identical in content every time.
i'll break it down to basics: (in colour because it's a dream)
setting: classroom, at my school or an adaptation of it.
characters: usually, myself and my literature teacher are the protagonists, also a smattering of classmates and on occasion, another teacher.
action: have just handed in an essay/completed a practise essay/had an essay handed back/consulting with teacher privately. teacher wears bone-chillingly grave expression, sometimes with a tinge of disgust, as he proceeds to reprimand me for being a terrible student, talentless, lazy, useless, will amount to nothing, et cetera. i have some kind of negative reaction ranging from tears to tantrums, bad emotions, end scene.
this is usually followed by me waking up, which is always a relief. as these dreams have continued long after i have finished high school, vce examinations and any related activity to this teacher, what i am throwing out into the cyber field of intelligentsia to discuss is this:
why am i having these dreams?
i'd really like to hear thoughts in response.
until then,
ps. a disclaimer: the first thought is not indended to discourage, rather to educate those who have been gently nudged for too long and have not yet got the message.
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